We create a healthier future!


About company

Borealis is a company with offices in Tartu, Tallinn, Riga, and Vilnius, where customers can come and try massage equipment, massage chairs, office ergonomics, and health products.

Our goal and motto are to create a healthier future where employers can achieve the results they need with healthy employees, and the average person is healthier, stronger, and happier.

Borealis aims to become the leading company in the Baltics, offering innovative health and wellness products. Our products could be in the office of every employer, in the training bag of an athlete, and in the home of a person who loves beauty, health, and well-being.

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Customer feedback

TÜ Kliinikum


From the conducted survey, we received only positive feedback, and the massage chairs have been well-received by employees, finding continuous application. According to employees, a brief massage session after work or during breaks helps them relax better and relieve tension.



We used to have a masseur in the office, but only the fastest registrants got a massage - and with more than 300 employees, it wasn't feasible for everyone. Renting a massage chair is more valuable.

SA Tartu Kiirabi


We were very, very satisfied with the massage chair; the relaxing effect was wonderful. Emergency medical work is quite stressful, and one always has to be ready for surprises, both good and bad. Using the massage chair was a pleasant positive moment in the day.



The decision was made in favor of a massage chair and not traditional massage because the chair can be used by more people throughout the day, making the service more accessible.

Setomaa Hooldekodu


For example, our chef, who expressed a desire to take a break to boost his health, decided to forgo his vacation. He mentioned that a few sessions on the massage chair and he already feels much better - health comes from the massage chair.

Atria Eesti


Employees willingly use it even after work, they especially enjoy the foot massage.



It's delightful to note that massage chairs have been well-received by employees, and people feel that the employer wants to invest more in their well-being.



Every change starts with the first step and the courage to take it Every change starts with the first step and the courage to take it

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Fringe Benefit Tax – Does it Apply to Massage Chairs? Fringe Benefit Tax – Does it Apply to Massage Chairs?

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Number 1 Home Aid for Recovering Tense and Inflamed Muscles Number 1 Home Aid for Recovering Tense and Inflamed Muscles

People are accustomed to seeking relief from muscle tension through a massage therapist. In the current situation, alternatives must be…

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We create a healthier future!

If you have any questions, please contact us.

    If you have any questions, please contact us.