Massage Gun SKG



Available from the 17th of December

SKU: F3 Categories: , Brand:

The SKG massage gun is a compact yet powerful shock therapy device. With four different intensity levels and four replaceable nozzles, it allows you to focus on the desired muscle group effectively.

Product info

The SKG massage gun is a compact yet powerful shock therapy device. It serves as an excellent alternative when traditional massage is unavailable. The massage gun is equipped with four different nozzles, each designed to target specific muscle groups. The massage heads included in the set are made out of plastic and rubber, ensuring smooth gliding over the skin. Along with the variety of nozzles, the SKG massage gun offers four different massage intensities. Each massage session typically lasts 15-20 minutes, with a few minutes dedicated to focusing on each muscle group.
The massage gun helps to restore tired and tense muscles. It provides relief for pain, deep within the connective tissue and reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Additionally, it increases joint and muscle mobility and stimulates blood circulation. The massage gun can be used every day.

4 Massage gun nozzels

U-shaped nozzle

Suitable for neck massage

Bullet head
The smallest nozzle, designed to reduce pain points.
Flat head

For massaging large muscle groups on the back

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Ball shaped nozzle
Used to massage soft tissue and bone sheath

SKG Massage gun

  • Powerful motor
  • Small, compact design
  • 4 massage intensities
  • Four different massage nozzles
  • Silent operation
  • Aluminum housing
  • Wireless functionality
  • Battery life of up to 11 hours
  • Color options: red and green.


The SKG massage gun is a compact yet powerful shock therapy device. With four different intensity levels and four replaceable nozzles, it allows you to focus on the desired muscle group effectively.

Additional information


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Help people live healthier, longer and better lives.

Founded in 2007, SKG is a high-tech R&D company specialized in developing wearable health devices. SKG combines the best of fashion and technology, and packs everything great into beautifully-designed massage products that enable healthier lifestyle.